After over 16 years as a licensed professional clinical counselor and certified trauma therapist, Margaret now does coaching so she can equip you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need for your journey toward greater freedom, joy, and peace.  

Many early morning, evening, and Saturday hours are available for your convenience.  All scheduling is done online and you may easily reschedule up to 24 hours before your appointment. 

The first session is $95/full 60 minute hour (unlike traditional counseling that is a standard 50 minute session).  Subsequent 1-hr sessions are $75. 

The length of the process will depend on each individual.  You will have many tools to apply and may very well find you only need a session every other week for a limited time.  Margaret's desire is not to keep you coming for more sessions, but to equip you with what you need to be successful in the areas of life where you need assistance.  People often joke that therapists go into the field to try to figure themselves out and there may be truth in that, but not everyone should have to get a master's degree in a mental health field to be fully capable of the joy and freedom we're made for.  Margaret wants to make this same knowledge and tools available to you in a way that is tailored to you, your needs and your goals.  

Payment is made online via credit or debit card.

You no longer have to travel to Margaret in order to access her services. All sessions are conducted via Zoom or by phone.

Complete the assessment form and Margaret will let you know if her service is a good fit for your needs at this time.