Human & Spiritual Integration and Trauma-Informed Care Certification

Harvard Public Health Magazine referred to our times as "The Age of Trauma".  In our day and age, being trauma-informed is essential to providing safe and effective help, ministry and service of all types.

In this 8-hour certification you will learn:

To identify numerous physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and relational effects of trauma

What help is available for trauma

How to mitigate potential effects of trauma

How to more effectively build connection, communicate, and provide a sense of safety for traumatized people

These benefits can help you build the sense of safety necessary to respond in a crisis, lessen the effects of difficult situations, or even prevent traumas from happening.  The knowledge you will gain is necessary for understanding the invisible factors operating in the scenarios you face daily as you pastor, minister, and serve people.


- Certification Fee

- Per Diem $75 (food, tolls, partking, etc)

- Travel

- Lodging

Group Size 1-15 participants: $2,250

Group Size 16-25 participants: $50 / additional person

Group Size 26-35 participants: $25 / additional person

Group Size 36+ Contact Sacred Heart Healing Ministries for a Custom Quote

Margaret Vasquez, LPCC-SUPV is a certified traumatologist, certified field traumatologist, certified trauma therapist, and a certified intensive trauma therapy instructor. 

With 16+ years of experience providing intensive trauma therapy to clients of all ages, she has appeared on numerous tv, radio, and podcasts, and is author of More Than Words: Freedom to Thrive After Trauma and Fearless: Abundant Life Through Infinite Love.  She is a retreat master and has provided training to foster and adoptive parents, religious and clergy, clinicians, and medical professionals.